The highly anticipated summer film “Twisters,” a remake of the 1996 hit “Twister,” made its debut on the big screens on Friday. The creators of the film wanted to ensure that the storyline was not only entertaining but also accurate. To achieve this, they consulted with career stormchasers and scientists, including Dr. Adam Houston, a professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Dr. Houston discussed the differences between professional, recreational, and scientific storm chasing, which is a major theme in the movie. He also shared his research on using drones in storms, including the creation of a storm-chasing drone named RAAVEN. This collaboration with the University of Colorado resulted in drones being used in the film, which excited both Houston and his colleague.
Houston hopes that the movie will inspire the next generation of scientists, showing them the exciting possibilities within the field of atmospheric science. By accurately depicting the challenges and motivations of storm chasers, “Twisters” aims to provide an entertaining and educational experience for moviegoers and weather enthusiasts alike.
As the film continues to make waves in theaters, Dr. Houston’s contributions to the scientific accuracy of “Twisters” showcase the importance of collaboration between filmmakers and experts in their respective fields. The movie serves as a reminder of the thrilling world of storm chasing and the valuable research being conducted to better understand and predict extreme weather events.
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