“Unicorns” is a groundbreaking film that tells a cross-cultural love story set in the underground LGBTQ+ subculture known as the “gaysian” scene, combining the words gay and Asian. The film follows the relationship between a white, heterosexual mechanic and a South Asian Muslim drag queen as they navigate their identities in a world where they face rejection from all sides – mainstream culture, South Asian communities, religious communities, and the LGBTQ+ community.
Co-directed by Sally El Hosaini and James Krishna Floyd, the film explores fluid identities and showcases the struggles faced by drag queens who are often closeted and ostracized from their families. The story is inspired by real experiences shared by individuals in the LGBTQ+ community, particularly South Asian drag queens.
The film features a diverse cast, including real-life South Asian drag queens, and aims to shed light on a community that has been overlooked in mainstream media. Filmmakers El Hosaini and Floyd are dedicated to telling stories that represent minorities and challenge traditional narratives in cinema.
“Unicorns” premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and is currently showing in UK and Irish cinemas. With its focus on love, acceptance, and identity, the film serves as a reminder that there is more that unites us than divides us. This project, which has been nine years in the making, is a labor of love for the filmmakers and a step towards more inclusive storytelling in the industry.
Photo credit www.bbc.com